Kraftmühle Affiliate & Athlete Program

Our approach is athlete centric, focused on fulfilling the real needs of real people in real time. We believe in teaching skills, not delivering content.

Kraftmühle Affiliate & Athlete Program

Our approach is athlete centric, focused on fulfilling the real needs of real people in real time. We believe in teaching skills, not delivering content.

Featured Programs

Kraftmühle Box Program

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Kraftmühle Athlete Program

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Advanced Training for Athletes

Athlete Program

The “Kraftmühle Athlete Program” is for members and athletes who seek for more! Who want to work on weaknesses and are ambitious to put a little extra work in! It is structured around one main training session each day and then includes some optional training tracks so that you can choose how much you want to train depending on your current ability and how much time you can spend each day. Also depending on what your main focus is about.

Our Athlete program has often proved itself for our competitive athletes who train on a very high level and make it to the podium on international and national competitions! If you want to make it to the next level – get on the Kraftmühle Athlete Program!

Each Day Includes:
≡ Warm Up
≡ Main Training Session
≡ optional Strength
≡ opt. Cardio
≡ opt. Gymnastics
≡ opt. Accessory Work
≡ Workout Targets and Stimulus Notes

Each Week Includes:
≡ 5 Full days of training
≡ 1 Optional Active Recovery Session
≡ 1 Rest day

The program gives you the flexibility to choose how much you would like and can get done each day as well as being able to structure your training at different times of the year depending on what your current training focus might be and where the season is going for you. We like to think of the “Kraftmühle Athlete Program” as the perfect way to fill the gap between a template and an individual athletes program.


Programming for Gyms

Kraftmühle Box Program

The Kraftmühle Box Program is an Affiliate/Class program, you get all the benefits of our very varied, fun and successful training style – formatted into class structure. This program is for gym owners or coaches that want to use our programming for their daily classes and it has already proven to be very effective and popular within our gym and our MEMBERS, true to our motto “TRAIN HARD – FEEL GOOD”!

This program goes Monday to Sunday. and each class lasts 60 minutes. The program will also give you two separate tracks that can both run at the same time.
First the classic “Workout of the day” that provides everything functional fitness has to offer from gymnastics and weightlifting to skills, all the way to longer, more enduring sessions.

Second is our “Fitness WOD” which is very popular and made for everyone. No complex barbell or gymnastic movements, just move!
Both tracks do not include a warm-up. We keep this part open for your affiliate or coach to give your workout a personal note and touch.
Every Saturday we program team workouts. They are fun and great for the community and always very appreciated!

-check out our free trial week or send us a message

Want even more training plans?

Check out our online shop with a wide range of training plans ranging from olympic weightlifting to yoga and mobility!

Endurance Trainingpläne


Travel/Hotel Trainingspläne


Oly/Kraft Trainingspläne



“..bin beeindruckt. Sehr sympatisches Team, Coaches sehr engagiert, mit know-how und Vorbildfunktion. Empfehlenswert für alle!
Edit: nach einem Jahr hartes Training bleiben die 5 Sterne!”
András S.
“Wir waren heute mit der Fußballmannschaft in der CrossFit KraftMühle und das Training war super von den Coaches organisiert und perfekt auf uns Fußballer abgestimmt!! Anschließend durften wir nochmal alles ausprobieren und wurden super beraten! Danke, war eine tolle Einheit für die Vorbereitung und wir kommen gerne wieder!”
Sven E.
“Heute einen echt tollen Drop In gehabt! Die Coaches sind total nett und aufgeschlossen und die Box ist sehr schön groß und mit super Equipment ausgestattet!”
Isabell G.
“Einfach spitze. Super Leute und alles was man zum trainieren braucht. Eine “Einrichtung” die dich wirklich fit macht und dich nicht an die nächst beste Abductor Maschine setzt, wo du 100x die Beine spreitzen darfst :) weiter so!”
Daniel W.

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